
Personality types...

.I was talking about personality types this weekend and came across these discriptions on the web. Most people are predominantly one type, but have some borrowed traits from the other types. Which are you? And which one fits your spouse?


We need not look very far to find an "A" personality in our midst. They are the ones that are always "looking for a better way" or building a "better mouse trap". They have an entrepreneurial streak and don't mind taking risk in order to receive the rewards that can go along with it.

The "A" personality is usually very independent, direct and to the point. They will probably tell you to "get to the bottom line" or give them the "executive summary" to read. They don't like routine and often delegate routine chores to someone else.

The "A" Personality enjoys change, and one of their biggest fears is falling into a routine. They are very focused on what they are doing and are almost always relatively insensitive to others that might be around them. If they tell somebody something, or explain it, they'll say it ONCE and expect that everybody listening understood because they're ready to move on.

"A" type personalities are often found as business owners, managers, sales people (especially straight commission), or any position requiring a very "direct" person that typically "takes charge" and forges ahead. They are very decisive and persistent in getting what they want and need.


The "B" type loves to party, travel and be part of groups, and is often the center of attention. They love excitement and are often impatient and demanding as a result of being a "high energy" type. They love the limelight and the "hype" and often do very well in sales, advertising, marketing, public speaking, party planning, travel and other positions where they can have a "good time" while working.

The "B" personality is as Supportive of others as they are direct in their approach. Most people enjoy being around them or watching or listening to them "perform". Many radio and TV personalities, actors and high-profile speakers are often "B" personalities. It is very important for the "B" personality to be liked by others and can be easily hurt if they think someone doesn't care for them. They may take it very personally.

A good example of a "B" personality was the part Bette Midler played in the movie "Beaches" where her character was a big success in movies and on the stage. An outstanding line from the movie was, when having her best friend over who she hasn't seen in years, she takes her on a whirlwind tour of her elaborate apartment then says: "... enough about ME, let's talk about YOU. So, what do you think if ME?"

Certainly, most "B" personalities are not that "strong", but it does provide a good mental picture of some of the characteristics to look for in the "B" type.

This type often does well in sales as they tend to be very talkative and outgoing with people and are normally quite persuasive.


If you want to picture a typical "C" type personality, think of your accountant, an engineer or a computer programmer or analyst. The "C" thrives on details, accuracy and takes just about everything seriously. They are usually very neat, dress fashionably and are very calculated and precise in just about everything they do.

The "C" doesn't like "hype", rather, they want facts... information from which they can verify the details and make a decision. They are very consistent in everything they do because everything has an order or procedure; thus they can be predictable at times and often very dependable, however, don't expect them to make a decision when YOU want it, as it will only come after THEY have checked all the facts and are satisfied that everything is correct.

They are deep, thoughtful and usually very sensitive. They enjoy know how and why things are the way they are rather than taking anything at face value. They often make good customer service people and sales people, especially if the product to support or sell is something "technical" or involves numbers. They are loyal and patient and can leave customers with a good feeling that they're somebody that really cares. However, managers may need to make sure they don't spend TOO much time with details if the objective or expected outcome doesn't warrant the investment of their time and expertise.


The typical "D" personality doesn't like change, preferring instead, to have a set of guidelines from which to follow and they won't mind doing the same thing over and over. They are usually more motivated by security and benefits and are likely to get the "gold watch" if the company can provide the security they seek.

"D" types are very supportive of others and are often the type that others turn to when they have a problem. Their compassion level is usually quite high and often seem very happy and content with themselves and life in general. They are usually punctual, and consistent. They add "balance" and support in the workplace and may be the champion of the "under dog".


Where personalities may clash is where opposites are working with each other or one working for another in a business environment. However, opposites often attract on a personal level.

"A" "B"
"C" "D"
Opposite Corners are Opposite Personalities. The "A" and "D" personalities are opposite of each other. The "A" likes change, is impatient and a risk-taker. The "D" dislikes changes, is very patient and thinks the "A" is crazy for taking so many risks preferring instead to be very steady and seek the security of knowing what you have and what you can count on.

The "B" and "C" personalities are opposites as well. The "B" loves the glamour and the hype, the "C" insists on knowing if there is any "substance" behind it all. Where the "B" can be messy, the "C" is neat and orderly and doesn't thing "by the book". The "B" is Extroverted, the "C" is Introverted.


Joy Sellers said...

I am a C/D and Cecil is an A....

Vangie said...

I dont match any of these personalities at all!
But mom PERFECTLY fits C, I think.

Anonymous said...

Mom is funny.
ok, I'm a "C" bc I "dress fashionably and am neat". hhahahahahahaha But really, maybe I'm a "c". I think I do go along with the flow but am not as laid back as a "d". Brad is definitely an "a", but HE would THINK he's a "d", HAHAHAHA.

I think knowing personality traits is helpful (esp wtih your spouse) but never an excuse of how to treat people...if you are disrespectful or rude to someone and it's bc you're an "a" personality and are more able to speak your mind then that's never an excuse to get away with it. Everyone deserves good treatment, some people just have to work harder at things than others. Their goals are the same.

Noly's Nest.... said...

Mom, I'm shocked. Dad is not an "A", he is a B! I think I am a B too! And if dad is an "A" than I am an "A" because dad and I are a lot alike!
These descriptions were taken from a website that promotes the workplace, so it highlights the features of each type on how it relates to the workplace. They are probably not the best overall descriptions. So the type "A" being an entrepreneurial doesn't mean that dad who is extremely laid back is an "A" just because he is too.
Vangie, you are most like a "B".
This weekend I had said that Erin was an "A" because of some strong traits that she has, but that's not entirely true. She is most like the "B" now that I think about it....

~Bethany said...

I am C and Billy is D for sure. Dad is definately A, Noelle! I see Jessica as A & B combined, and I'm not sure what Noelle is but I'd say B.
Wow, this is confusing.

Joy Sellers said...

Too many letters here! the problem is that not all traits in one area are valid for that person so you have crossovers and that's where it gets confusing...all the more wonder at God's unique creation as not being simple...Love the music!

Joy Sellers said...

Cecil is not a B...does not like to be center of attention,is laid back,not love the limelight,does not do well in sales,etc...doesnt care if others dont like him,,,is not very talkative and outgoing

therefor Noelle is not a B

Joy Sellers said...

Noelle you are an A/D except for the punctual and consistent part...I dont mean that as an are a late bug

~Bethany said...

I walked down the aisle (or should I say the 5 ft stretch between the chairs??) to this song! I love it. But why does it sound weird. It sounds like somebody recorded it playing in the background on their CD player. I just heard someone coughing. hehehe

Noly's Nest.... said...

So let me get this right, think that dad and charlie have the exact same personality???? They are practically opposites!
I think there are some types not listed here that apply to us..its called" the crazy sellers clan"!

Anonymous said...

ok...I couldn't be an "a" bc of the following reasons:

I do look for "better ways" but don't take big risks.
I'm really not that direct or to the point, I LOVE routine and don't like delegating chores to someone else, I like it done my way.
I wouldn't consider mself insensitive to others and I don't just say things once expecting it to be law.
I'm a good sales rep but not a direct person that would just take charge (unless it's something that I KNOW I'm good at).
A few traits apply to me, but then again, there are several in each category that apply to me and everyone else as well.

I don't wanna guess who else is what letter personality...we need a MORE BASIC version of these descriptions, it's too complicated. You need the short version so we can pick it more quickly and THEN judge each other....BWAAAAAHAHAHAHAHHAH

Joy Sellers said...


Joy Sellers said...

I have a much better description based on DISC, those is different from this one so I will try to hunt that up and we can compare and keep this up another week or so